"Paws"-ing Podcast + Season 1 Revamp

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What a ride this has been! For now, I'll be ending season 1 of bilingual 西游记 (The Monkey King) with episode 15. I have learned so much in making these stories and definitely plan on making more.


For now, however, I need to focus on finishing my thesis for Cambridge.


More importantly, I've learned through making these stories how much more there is still for me to learn (re:making these better, more educational and engaging). I want to do this story justice - so I'll be pausing new storylines until I have time and space to do so.


《西游记》第二季“大闹天宫”预计在秋末回归。 美猴王将和天上的神仙一一过招。

Tentatively, I hope to return to this story later this fall!  Season 2 will be "Havoc in the Heavens - 大闹天宫!" Monkey in full rebellion against the gods above! 



To improve the stories I've already made, I'm excited to be working with the team at Fun-ware to update pre-existing content from Season 1! We will be revising the script slightly and will also be adding bonus content (new episode vocabulary, Chinese culture notes and episode videos!) 

我们将把重新制作的内容发布在熊猫宝宝故事的博客、i-tunes、google play、微信上。如果你们愿意从别的什么平台进行收听,可以告诉我们。

We'll be re-publishing updated content on the Panda Cub Stories podcast, so keep tabs on  i-tunes, google play, WeChat (or wherever else you prefer to listen!)


From now until Mid-July, I'll be in full thesis mode. It's an exciting and stressful time. 


There are so many things I want to do:


Write, teach, publish, share! There are many questions and doubts: is the work good enough? When will I know? Will there be a publisher willing to take this project to a wider audience... or should I commit to the task of self-publishing?



Times like these, I have to remind myself to take things one step at a time:

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


I look forward to updating you again later this fall... and who knows? There may be some exciting news in store:) 


Episode 15 - The Books of Life & Death | 生死簿



*Note to parents: this episode features ghosts and a visit to the underworld… and may be a little scary!



When we left our story last, Wukong had just left the Water-Crystal Palace of the Dragon of the East. He had taken the Jingubang, and had also acquired a magnificent suit of armor. As the other monkeys of Mount Hua Guo awaited their King’s return, they listened to an old monkey tell a story:


“High in the nine heavens, the Jade Emperor reigns…


… but down, deep in darkness… Ten Lords of darkness rule...”


“Oh, how horrible!” said a little monkey. “I don’t ever want to go there!” exclaimed another.


And just then, there was the sound of water: and there was Wukong, leaping out of the little silver river! And there stood the Monkey King: with his golden cloak swirling around him. The little monkeys ran forth and surrounded their king, chattering excitedly. Wukong laughed, and said: “I’ve come back with a treasure! Quick, come look at this!” And with a loud thunk, Wukong planted the gold-hooped Jingubang into the cave floor. The curious little monkeys surrounded the staff at once, and they tried to pick it up. But try as they might, they couldn’t move it, not even an inch! 

就在这时,传来了水声: 只见悟空从小银河中跳了出来! 美猴王站在那里,身上的金色战袍翩然飞舞. 小猴儿们跑到它们大王跟前,叽叽喳喳叫个不停。悟空笑着说:“我可是带了宝贝回来啊!快来看看!” “铛”的一声响,悟空把金箍棒插在了水帘洞的地面上。好奇的小猴子们立刻把这法杖给围住了,试图把它抬起来。可是不论怎么弄,都没能将它移动一毫一厘! 

“It’s too heavy! Great King, how on earth can you wield this?” 



Wukong grinned. “You think this is heavy?” he laughed, “ Wait until you see this!” Smiling mysteriously, he whispered: small! And in a blink of an eye, the Jingubang shrank to the size of a needle. Wukong tucked it into his ear for safe keeping。The little monkeys were stunned: they climbed onto the Monkey King, trying to see where the magic staff had gone. Wukong laughed:

悟空一笑:“你们觉得这很重?哈哈!你们等着瞧!” 悟空神秘的一笑,悄悄的念了一声:“小!” 一眨眼,金箍棒就缩成了绣花针那么大。悟空把它放在了耳朵里好好的保管起来。小猴子们惊呆了:它们爬到了猴王的身上,试图搞清楚那法杖到底去哪儿了。悟空笑了笑:

“Come, Monkeys! Let’s celebrate!” 


The Monkeys held a great feast – and invited all the kings of the nearby mountains. They feasted and drank for an entire day (the enormous Bull Monster King finished an entire barrel of wine all by himself!) When the guests had eaten and drank their fill, they left – one after the other. Wukong yawned – for the wine had made him sleepy. He leaned back into his throne, and felt his eyes drift close… 


How odd, he thought to himself. Where did all this mist come from?


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And out from that mist, Wukong saw two figures emerge: one clothed in black and the other in white. In their hands, they carried a thick rope. When they reached Wukong, they threw the rope around the Monkey King and pulled. And just like that, Wukong’s spirit drifted away from his body! Tied tightly in the rope, Wukong’s spirit floated behind the two ghouls, as they entered into the mist.

悟空看见从雾中出现了两个身影,一个身穿黑袍,一个身穿白袍。 他们手中牵了一根绳子。当他们俩来到悟空身边时,把绳子往它身上一套。就这样,悟空的灵魂离开了它的身体!紧紧的被绑在绳子上,悟空的灵魂跟着那两个小鬼朝迷雾中漂去。

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The two ghouls seemed to be walking downwards: the mist went from white, to gray, to a smoky black. As they walked, Wukong began to awaken from his drunken stupor... He blinked to clear the mist from his eyes, and saw they were approaching a city gate. A sign upon gate read: 


The Dark Lands


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"Aiya! "


What am I doing here?! All at once, Wukong was wide awake! Who are you?!” He roared at the two ghouls, who were still pulling at his rope. “Silence Monkey!” the ghoul in white snapped. The ghoul in black sneered: “We are your superiors! In the Dark Lands, you obey us!” When the ghoul in black said this, Wukong exploded in fury: the ropes binding him snapped and Wukong leapt into the air. As he did so, he plucked the Jingubang from his ear – and in a flash it became full sized. Wukong brought the Jingubang whizzing down onto the unlucky heads of the little ghouls. They were flattened at once. Wukong wasn’t finished. He gripped the Jingubang and struck at the city gates. The ghost soldiers who tried to bar him were sent flying.

 我在这儿做什么?一下子,悟空彻底的惊醒了!“你是谁?”它对着那两个牵绳子的吼道。“闭嘴,猴子!”白衣厉声叫到。黑衣冷笑道:“我们是你的上司!在阴间,你归我们管!” 当黑衣说完这话,悟空彻底暴怒了,紧紧绑住它的绳子咔嚓一下断开了,悟空气愤的跳了起来,与此同时,它拔出了耳朵里的金箍棒,瞬间把它变大了。悟空用金箍棒狠狠的朝那两个小鬼头上砸Zá去,他们瞬间就被打成肉饼了。悟空可没有就此善罢甘休!它提着金箍棒朝城门砸去,那些企图阻止它的鬼魂们全都被 打飞了。

“Who is in charge here?!” 


By this time, ghosts were scattering every which way: some fled to the south and others ran to the north. Others hid to the east and cowered in the west. A few ran, panting, into the Palace of Darkness itself. “Disaster! Calamity!” they shrieked. “What on earth is going on?” The Ten Lords of darkness asked.

这时候,幽灵鬼魂们四下逃窜,有的往南,有的向北,他们东躲西藏,有少数的几个,躲进了森罗。“灾难来啦!灾难呀!”他们尖叫道。“发生什么了?” 阴间地府的十殿diàn阎王爷问道。


“Outside!” “There’s a hairy faced monster thundering about… and he’s heading this way!”  And sure enough, by the time the ghost sentry had finished his report, Sun Wukong had already fought his way into the Palace of Darkness。The lords of the underworld hurried forth and asked: “Highest immortal, please tell us who you are! How can we have offended you?” Wukong glowered at the ten lords. “You don’t even know me and you dare summon me here? “I will have to teach you a lesson!” 


“外面!外面有一个毛脸雷公嘴的怪物,他 - 他正朝着这儿来呢!”果然,卫兵刚报告完,悟空就已经杀开一条路,来到了森罗殿内。阎王爷们急忙围过来问道:“上仙留名!上仙留名!我们这是什么地方得罪您了啊?” 悟空瞪着这十个阎王。“你们连我是谁都不知道,竟然就敢把我带到这儿来?看我不收拾你们!”

“Wait, wait!” the ten lords said, “This must be a mistake! Many people share the same name, perhaps our little ghosts summoned the wrong person!"

“等等!等等!” 阎主们说到。 “这一定是个误会!许多人都是同名同姓的,说不定是我们的小鬼抓错了人!"

“Make no excuses!” Wukong said. “Bring me the Books of Life and Death, I shall see for myself!”



And so, the ten lords brought out the Books of Life and Death. First, they brought out one volume. And then, another… and another and another! The ten lords were secretly pleased: there is no way for this monkey to read through all of these! After all, these books record the names of all who have ever lived, and all those who are yet to be born! But alas, the lords had underestimated the Monkey King!  

于是,阎王们 把《生死簿》拿了过来。他们先拿了一本过来。然后,又拿了一本…拿了一本又一本! 阎王们暗自高兴:这下可好,这猴子根本就没法儿看完《生死簿》!毕竟,这里写着所有曾经活着的人和尚未出生的人的名字!可是啊,阎王们太小瞧美猴王了!  

Wukong pulled a handful of hairs from his body and blew them into the air, transforming them into hundreds of little Wukongs. They picked up the books, and began reading at lightning speed. Before long, Wukong found what he was looking for. In one of the books, written clearly, was the following:


Sun Wukong: Heaven-born Stone Monkey: age Three-hundred and forty-two. A good end.



Harumph!  said the Wukong. “Says who?” Wukong waved his Jingubang, and it became a thick brush. He crossed out his name from the ledger of life and death. For good measure, he also crossed out the names of all the monkeys too! As for the ten lords of darkness, they could only watch the Monkey King with mouths open wide. 

悟空哼了一声:“谁说的?” 悟空挥了挥金箍棒,把它变成了一支笔。他把自己的名字从《生死簿》上划去,顺便还把所有猴子的名字都给划掉了。十位阎王只能张着嘴,傻傻的看着猴王.

When Wukong was finished, he tucked the Jingubang back into his ear, called back his transformed hairs.  He murmured a spell and gave a mighty leap… and leapt straight back into his sleeping body! 


When Wukong awoke, he told the other monkeys about the dream he had just dreamed. The monkeys scratched their heads. “What a strange dream!” they said. And, indeed Panda cubs – even today –  legend tells of a tribe of monkeys who have never grown old, who are still laughing and playing deep in the mountains of China…






But this is not where our story ends! 


For while Wukong and his monkeys laughed and played, the oceans and the underworld were anything but peaceful. The furious dragon of the East was flying toward the Jade Palace in the sky. At the same time, the lords of the underworld raced towards the heavenly palace as well. Just you wait, Monkey, just you wait.


The Jade Emperor will punish you! 


Hi Panda Cubs, we leave our story here for today. Next week, I’ll be releasing the third “super episode” of the series: Mandarin and English versions of episodes 11-15. 

Episode 14 - The JinGuBang 金箍棒

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When we left our story last, the Dragon King of the East was getting worried: how to rid himself of this Monkey? Who could have thought such a weak looking Monkey could be so powerful?  The Dragon of the East led a grinning Wukong down to the deepest part of the ocean. The Dragon King comforted himself with this thought: this magic staff is as old as the ocean itself. Not even we dragons, can move it…let this Monkey laugh. When he fails, he’ll have to leave.    

上次我们说到,东海龙王越来越担心:怎么才能摆脱这猴子呢?谁能想到,这只瘦小的猴子有如此大的力量?东海龙王带着这嘻嘻哈哈 没个正形 的悟空去到了大海的最深处。龙王默默的安慰自己:这神奇的铁杖和这海洋一样古老,就算是我们龙族也移不动动它……就让这猴子笑吧,等他失败了,他总会离开的。 

Finally, the Dragon King led the Monkey King to the edge of a deep ocean crevasse. And from that rift, there rose a mighty iron pillar! The pillar was so enormous that Wukong could not see its head nor tail!   “This”, said the Dragon King smugly,“is the heaviest weapon in all the seas.

Go on, give it a try!”  

终于,龙王带着美猴王来到海洋深处一个裂缝的边缘。从那条裂缝里,升起一根大铁柱!这根铁柱巨大无比,悟空甚至不能看到它的头和尾。  “这个嘛…”龙王得意的说:“这是我们这儿最重的武器了!


Wukong walked up to the pillar and discovered it was glowing softly. The black iron pillar was covered with thin lines of gold: shining against the dark metal.    Beautiful, Wukong thought to himself. If only this pillar were shorter and thinner… and no sooner had Wukong thought the words, the pillar shrank! In a blink of an eye, it was only twice as tall as the Monkey King, and about the width of a rice bowl. Now, Wukong saw that this mighty pillar was a staff. On each end of the staff was a shining golden hoop. Near one of the hoops, in fine gold lettering, were the following words:

悟空走向铁柱,发现它在发着柔和的光。 这黑色的铁柱上镶着细细的金线条:在铁柱上闪闪发光。  真是漂亮啊!悟空心想:要是这根柱子再短一点儿、再细一点儿…悟空这么一动念,这柱子便缩小了!眨眼间,它变得只有两个悟空这么高,只有碗口粗细。 这时,悟空看见这大柱子是一根法杖,两头分别有一个闪闪发光的金箍。挨着金箍,有一行金色的小字:

The Ruyi JinGuBang

weight: thirteen thousand five hundred pounds.  I obey the will of my true master.  



Ah! Wukong thought to himself, I have found my weapon at last!   And what was the Dragon King doing? Why the Dragon of the East stood there, mouth gaping open in surprise!   “What a splendid staffWukong said, “It would be even better in my hands!”  And hearing these words, the JinGuBang flew out of the rift!

哈!悟空心想,我终于找到我的兵器了!  老龙王这时在干嘛呢? 东海龙王呆站在那儿,惊得合不拢嘴。 “这法杖真是不错呀!” 悟空说:“要是它在我手里那就更好了!” 听到这话,金箍棒飞出了缝隙 !

As it flew, it shrank… until it landed smack in Wukong’s outstretched hand!  


The Monkey King gave the JinGuBang a few twirls. This slight movement stirred up such a great whirlpool of water that the Dragon King was almost swept off his feet! “Stop, stop!” the Dragon King cried, as he fought to keep his footing.    Wukong was laughing heartily “I hear that ‘clothes doth maketh a man’…and as you can see, I’m not wearing anything but my own fur. Good neighbor, I must trouble you for a proper outfit – to match my JinGuBang!”  

悟空把金箍棒稍微旋转了几下。这轻微的动作,竟然搅动海水形成了巨大的漩涡,差点把龙王给绊倒了。 “停!停!“ 龙王哭喊着,努力站稳脚跟。  悟空大笑着说:“听说人靠衣装马靠鞍,你看我除了这身猴毛,什么都没穿。好邻居,我得麻烦你给我找身儿合适的衣服,我得配得上这金箍棒啊!" 

The Dragon of the East looked at the staff in Wukong’s hands and answered: “I don’t have anything for you… but perhaps my brothers might”   And so the Dragon of the East called to his brothers, sending his plea along with the ocean waves. Before long, his three brothers - the Dragon of the North, the Dragon of the South and the Dragon of the West – all appeared by his side.  

东海龙王看着悟空手中的法杖,答道:“我再也没啥能给你了!不过我的兄弟们或许能有!”  于是东海龙王通过海浪呼唤他的兄弟们。没过一会儿,他的三位兄弟——北海龙王、南海龙王、西海龙王——全都来到了他的身边。  

“Elder brother, why have you called  so urgently?”


They asked. And so the old dragon told them everything:  about the Monkey who came to borrow a weapon, and who would not leave without a new set of clothes.    


The brothers were furious!


The Dragon of the South: “There are four of us, and only one of him, let’s throw him in the dungeons!”   The old Dragon of the North shook his head:  “No, no no! You do not understand: that staff he holds is powerful beyond measure. A single tap would flatten a man into a pancake! No, best we give him what he wants, and send him on his way!”    

南海龙王说:“我们四个,他才一个,我们一起把他扔到地牢里去呗!”  北海老龙王使劲摇着头:“不行不行不行!你们不明白,他拿着的这根法杖威力无穷,轻轻一下,就能把人打成肉饼!我们还是把他想要的给他,让他该去哪儿就去哪儿!” 

And so, grumbling, the four dragons kings presented Wukong with a set of clothes: the Dragon of the South gave a golden cap trimmed in phoenix plumes; the Dragon of the North gave  a pair of fine black boots; the Dragon of the West gave a cloak of pure woven gold; and the Dragon of the East looked longingly at the magical staff in Wukong’s hands.   Clothed in his new finery, Wukong finally took his leave. “Hope I didn’t give you too much trouble!” He laughed as he left the Water Crystal Palace.   The four dragons watched the Monkey swim away, shining and glittering in gold, muttering angrily to each other:  

无奈之下,四位龙王只好一起给悟空凑了一身行头:南海龙王给了一顶凤翅紫金冠;北海龙王送了一双漂亮的黑色长靴;西海龙王送了一件织金斗篷;而东海龙王只能依依不舍的看着悟空手里那神奇的法杖。  穿着这身华丽的新衣服,悟空终于要走了:“但愿我没给你们添太多麻烦!”他哈哈笑着,离开了水晶宫。  四位龙王们看着悟空那闪着金光离开的身影,愤怒的低声说道:  

“The Jade Emperor will hear of this!”

“玉帝一定会知道这事儿的  !”

Guest Episode: Travel, Learn and See Your Friends: Adventures in Mandarin Immersion by Dr. Edna Ma

Today, we have our first ever guest episode! The Audiobook(s) of "Travel, Learn and See Your Friends: Adventures in Mandarin Immersion" - by Dr. Edna Ma. This is my copy when it arrived at Cambridge! (Window seat at Christ's College Buttery!)

Today, we have our first ever guest episode! The Audiobook(s) of "Travel, Learn and See Your Friends: Adventures in Mandarin Immersion" - by Dr. Edna Ma. This is my copy when it arrived at Cambridge! (Window seat at Christ's College Buttery!)

*note: the following content is borrowed from a MandarinMama book review post! She has a FANTASTIC blog for those of you raising English/Mandarin Bilingual Children. Go check her out for more details!

I know that many of the books I discuss are hard for folks to access

either because you have to navigate online bookstores in Chinese and figure out international shipping or because you have no way of reading the book to your kids even if you bought it.

This is when bilingual books with both Chinese and English on the same page can come in handy. Today’s book, Travel, Learn and See Your Friends: Adventures in Mandarin Immersion by Dr. Edna Ma, can solve several of those problems for you.

First, you can buy it on Amazon.

Second, it’s a bilingual book! That means the story is written in English, Simplified Chinese, and also has pinyin so even non-speaking parents can “read” the book. Plus, there will be a YouTube video by Linda Yi of Panda Cub Stories narrating the whole book so you can follow along!

As someone who is not functionally literate in Chinese, I cannot tell you how annoying it is to have all these awesome Chinese picture books that are made for parents to read to their children except, womp womp, I’m illiterate.

I see a wall of Chinese text and I want to cry. Or scream.

But now, here’s a book with Simplified Chinese (for my kid to practice), pinyin (to support me or your children as they read the Chinese), and English (so I can understand what I just read!).

Alright, alright. So it helps you overcome these hurdles. What is this book about?

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Travel, Learn and See Your Friends is based on the real friendship of Dr. Ma’s son, Dean, and his friend, Ethan, when they were first-graders attending a Mandarin Immersion school. Through their friendship, the boys learn about different reasons to learn Mandarin, their own families, and the world. They even come up with a clever idea to keep in touch when Dean finds out he is moving.

Here’s what I love most about this book. It is a bilingual book featuring children who live in the US, doing normal every day things. That’s practically a unicorn!

It’s refreshing to see a Chinese/English bilingual book that has nothing to do with living in a Chinese speaking country, doesn’t feature animal characters, and is not a re-telling of a Chinese Myth.

Travel, Learn and See Your Friends features elementary school kids at a US based Mandarin Immersion school and is a completely original story.

Furthermore, this book features main characters who are people of color. Dean is Chinese American and Ethan is African American and guess what? The book doesn’t make a big deal out of it at all.

It is so rare for children’s books with main characters of color that are NOT about something “ethnic” or “after school special” or “foreign holidays.”

I cannot tell you how exciting it is to have a book with a Chinese American kid that is not about Chinese New Year or the Autumn Moon Festival or an African American kid that is not about Martin Luther King Jr. or slavery or Civil Rights.

Seriously. This book is a unicorn.

On top of that, the illustrations are engaging and show families of color in loving, normal, every day situations. That is a powerful thing.

Despite there being essentially 3x the amount of text in a normal story book in order to accommodate all the translations, the layout never feels too crowded or claustrophobic. Again, that is a hard thing to accomplish and still have a longer and coherent story.

Third, I love supporting women of color authors. Yes, white people can definitely (and should, if we’re being honest) write characters of color in a fully developed and appropriate manner. But there is just something beautiful to me about books with kids of color in it written by a person of color.

Representation matters – in all aspects – and in our current clime, more important than ever.

Here’s my main concern about this book. It is very obvious that the Chinese version does not flow the way a story authored by a native speaker would. Though the Chinese version is literally accurate and grammatically correct, it lacks spirit – that spark in the language the English version has.

The Chinese stumbles most while describing events or explaining a situation. Sometimes, it is because of a regional preference like using 襯衫 (chen4 shan) vs 上衣 (shang4 yi) for the term, “shirt.” Other times, it is because though the sentence is technically correct, it is not the words you would use when telling a story to children.

Don’t worry too much, though. Your children (and myself included) will learn different ways to express an idea and have a richer, more adult vocabulary as a benefit.

The Chinese is much more natural sounding when it is a conversation between the two boys and between the parents and children.

Keep in mind, Dr. Ma grew up speaking Cantonese and English so she wrote the story in English and hired several Chinese translators to do the Chinese version. You can see the care and attentiveness to accuracy reflected in the text. I only wish that the translators were a bit more creative in their expressions!

That said, this book is good for people who have found it difficult to find quality Chinese and English bilingual storybooks for their children. The pain of reading a book to your kid in Chinese has now been removed. (Again, there will even be a YouTube video narrated by Linda Yi of Panda Cub Stories.)

Plus, you can find it on Amazon instead of hoping you didn’t just buy a llama on a yacht and promise your firstborn to pay for shipping on an all-Chinese online website.

Also, this Travel, Learn and See Your Friends makes a good gift for kids in or considering Mandarin Immersion programs, kids who want to learn about other languages, and quite frankly, kids in general.

Cookie Monster (8) and Gamera (6) read most of the passages with ease (Cookie Monster knows ~1300 characters and Gamera knows ~1100). They cannot read English or pinyin so they really were reading! (I was frankly, quite surprised.)

I left the book out on the kitchen table to see what would happen and over the course of two weeks, I saw Cookie Monster pick up the book several times (without me ever asking), flip through and peruse the story. He said he liked the illustrations and clearly understood the story and the characters (remember – he can’t read English or pinyin).

Gamera saw the book and asked about it, but she did not want to read it. She has been anti-reading lately so it was most likely that.

Even Glow Worm (4) would pick up Travel, Learn and See Your Friends and look through the pictures for a few minutes. He DEFINITELY cannot read any of the languages!

I’ve included some pertinent details, pictures, below.

Title: Travel, Learn and See Your Friends: Adventures in Mandarin Immersion

Where to Buy: Amazon

Sample Pages: 

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sample 2.png
sample 3.png
sample 4.png


Thanks again for reading! Please be sure to check out Travel, Learn and See Your Friends on Amazon (I believe there is also an audio clip you can hear.)




Episode 13 - The Dragon Palace 龙王宫

UPDATE: This episode, 


UPDATE: This episode, I tried transitioning in and out of Chinese and English (instead of saying the same sentence twice in both). I hoped that this would help (almost) bilingual listeners practice comprehension in both languages! I will also post a Chinese only and English only versions as well. After receiving some of your feedback, I've decided to revert back to the fully bilingual version. Thank you again for the feedback! It's incredibly encouraging and highly appreciated.

When we left our story last, the Monkey King Sun Wukong had just stolen all the weapons from Aolai Guo! Soon, every single monkey on Hua Guo Shan had a weapon to call their own! Every monkey, that is, except for the Monkey King. “What’s wrong, great King?” The Monkeys asked.

上次我们说到,美猴王孙悟空刚把傲来国所有的兵器都偷走了。没过多久,花果山上每一只猴子都有了自己的拿手兵器…每一只猴子,除了美猴王。 “怎么了大王?” 猴儿们问。

“These weapons”, Wukong replied, “they are all much too light. Not a single one suits me.”


At this point, four old monkeys came forth. The first was the Monkey who had led all the monkeys to the Waterfall. The second was the Monkey who sent the King on his search for an immortal. The third had suggested Wukong visit the Kingdom of Aolai for weapons. And now the fourth spoke:


“My King, these weapons were made by mere mortals, but you are now a god!


... To find a weapon worthy of you, you must look to the gods as well."

... 要找到配得上您的武器,您得去向神仙要。”


“The little silver river underneath Shuiliandong’s bridge runs deep. In fact, it will lead you straight to the palace of Donghai Longwang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Seas! Great King, why don’t you ask the Dragon King for a worthy weapon instead?”

“水帘洞里桥下那条小银河其实可深了。” “事实上,顺着它,可以直接去到东海龙王的宫殿! 大王,您何不去问问龙王,找他要一件合适的兵器?”

And so, Wukong set off toward the palace of the Donghai Longwang, the Dragon King of the East!


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The Monkey King dived into the little silver river under the gleaming bridge. He murmured a spell for underwater breathing,  and began to swim! He swam deeper, and deeper: until the water grew as black as night.After swimming for a long time, Wukong saw light again. He had arrived at the palace of the Dragon King!


The Dragon King was drinking tea when Wukong arrived. The Monkey king swaggered into the palace, heading straight for the Dragon throne.  A pair of crab guards scuttled in after Wukong, panting to keep up.


“Who is this?” The Dragon King asked.


“Great King” the crab guards gasped, “We couldn’t stop him from coming here! He says he is our neighbor!” Wukong laughed and said to the Dragon King. “I am the Monkey King of Hua Guo Shan. I am in need of a weapon, and I’ve heard that you have quite a few treasures! “The Dragon King nodded. The royal armory was indeed full of weapons, and he could spare a small one for this Monkey-faced god. He ordered his soldiers to bring the Monkey King a weapon.

“龙王!”螃蟹警卫喘着大气说到:“我们实在没法儿拦住他。他说他是我们的邻居。” 悟空笑着对龙王说:“我是花果山的猴王。现下我需要一件兵器,我听说您有不少宝贝?” 龙王点了点头.皇家军械库里的确装满了兵器,他还是可以分享一件小的给这位猴脸神仙。他命令士兵去拿一件兵器给美猴王。

Before long, a fish soldier swam into the room carrying a sword. Wukong picked it up and tested it. “Too light!” he said.  The Dragon King frowned. “Too light?” he thought to himself. “I’ll teach this Monkey a lesson yet..”

不久,一位鱼儿士兵拿了一把剑过来。悟空拿起剑试了试说“太轻了!” 龙王皱了皱眉头,他心想:“太轻?我得好好教训教训这猴子…”

“Bring me something… very heavy!” The Dragon King commanded


Soon, six shark soldiers swam into the throne room, carrying a massive pitchfork on their backs. “Ha!” thought the Dragon King. “I’d like to see this puny Monkey try to pick this up!” Wukong swam over to the shark soldiers. With just one hand, he reached out and picked up the steel pitchfork [叉]. He twirled it lazily, and looked at the Dragon King. “Light!” the Monkey King said. “much, much too light! Old Dragon, can’t you do better than this?”  The Dragon King was stunned. “Light?” he gasped, “

很快,六位大鲨鱼士兵游了进来,背上驮着一把巨大的叉子!“哈!”龙王心想:“我倒是要看看这小猴子怎么把这个拿起来。” 悟空游到了鲨鱼士兵身边,只用一只手,便拿起了大钢叉。他一边轻松的转动着钢叉,一边对龙王说:“轻,太轻了,老龙王,没有更重的吗?” 龙王惊呆了!“轻?”他惊叹道:

That pitchfork is 3600  pounds ! This is the heaviest weapon we have!”


“Well…” the Dragon King murmured to himself, “there is the magic iron rod that not even I can lift! Why not give this Monkey a try? When he fails, he’ll surely leave us alone!” Wukong’s sharp ears had heard the Dragon King’s every  word. “Marvelous!” Wukong laughed,

“好吧!”龙王喃喃自语道:“我这儿有一神奇的铁棒,连我也从未(wei)将它搬起移动过!要不就让这猴子试试?他搬不动,肯定也就走了。” 悟空的耳朵可尖了,他听到了龙王说的每一个字。“哈哈!太太棒了!"

“Old Dragon, lead the way!”


Hi Panda Cubs, we leave our story here for today. What is this magic iron, and what happened next? We will continue our story, next time! 


Episode 12 - Getting Weapons 拿兵器

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When we left our story last, Sun Wukong had just defeated the Monstrous King of Havoc, rescued all the little monkeys who had been captured, and brought them safely back to Mount Hua Guo! 


Wukong thought to himself: If next time a monster comes to bully my monkeys, they’ll have to learn how to defend themselves!  Right then! I will teach them some Kungfu! Thus, the Monkey King ordered the monkeys to make bamboo spears and wooden blades. The monkeys were excited too! Before long, each was holding a wooden weapon. 


“Go forward! 上前!

Fall back! 后退! 

Strike! 打!

Block!” 挡住!

The monkeys trained with their Monkey King for an entire day! The Monkey’s asked: “Great King! How are we doing?” Wukong thought for a while and said: “You are doing well… but we cannot continue training like this. If someone truly attacks us, these bamboo spears and wooden blades simply will not do!” “Not to worry my King” said an old monkey. “Not far from here is the Kingdom of Aolai! Their king has a large armory! Why not go there and buy a few real weapons?”

猴子们跟着美猴王练了整整一天!猴子们问:“大王,咱们练得怎样?”悟空想了想说, “你们练得不错…但这样练下去还不行。若真有谁来打咱们,这些竹枪木刀根本不行呀!” “大王别担心”一只老猴说,“离这儿不远有个傲来国!他们的国王有个大兵器库!要不从那里买几件真正的兵器?”

“Brilliant idea!”


The Monkey King cried, and he was off! 

美猴王喊了一声, 出发了!

Wukong soared his cloud over to the Kingdom of Aolai, and saw the people below hurrying up and down the busy streets. Suddenly, an idea came to him! “Why go down there to buy a few weapons when I can simply cast a spell and take all that I need!” So Wukong plucked a handful of hairs from his body, and blew them into the air, calling:

悟空腾云驾雾飞向傲来国,看见下面的街上人来人往,热热闹闹的。突然间,他有了个主意!“我去买几件兵器,还不如施个法术,直接拿我需要的东西来得容易!” 于是他便拔了一把毫毛,吹了出去, 叫了声:



.The hairs transformed into countless tiny sleepy insects. They flew into the ears of the people of Aolai….and before long, the entire country was fast asleep!Wukong lowered his cloud, and swaggered straight into the armory (those soldiers standing guard were all snoring loudly!)。

毫毛变成了无数只小瞌睡虫。 它们飞到傲来国人们的耳朵里,没过多久,整个国家的人就都睡熟了!悟空降下云头,大摇大摆地走进了兵器库 (那些看门的官兵正大声地打着呼噜呢!)。

Wow! Row after row of weapons, too many to be counted!


Again, Wukong pulled out a big handful of hairs, and called “change”: and the hairs became hundreds of little Wukongs! They immediately leapt forth and began to grab weapons! The stronger ones carried six to seven, those less strong carried two to three. In a blink of an eye, they had emptied the armory! 

悟空又拔了一大把毫毛,叫了声“变”:那些毛又变成了上百只小悟空! 他们立刻上前开始拿兵器。力气大的拿了六七件,力气小的拿了两三件。一眨眼,兵器库都被掏空了!

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Taking the little Wukongs with him, the Monkey King leapt onto his Jindou cloud, and flew for Mt. Hua Guo. In mid air, Wukong gave his body a shake, and called back those hairs which had been changed into the sleepy insects. And from the ground one could hear the soldiers from Aolai began to shout: 


“Weapons, where are are weapons?! Ahhh!"


But by now, Wukong had already taken the weapons, and had vanished without a trace!


Hi Panda Cubs, we end our story here for today. Now, some of our panda cubs might ask: “Was Wukong right to do what he did?” What do you think? As for what happened next, we will continue our story, next time! 


熊猫宝宝,今天的故事就讲到这里了.有些熊猫宝宝们可能会问:“悟空这样做, 对吗?”你们觉得呢?以后的故事,我们下次再说!


Episode 11 - Return of the King 大王归来

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a note to listeners: this episode has a fight scene that may be scary. If parents would like to preview this episode first, the script is posted below. 


When we left our story last, the Master Puti had just banished Wukong


Where you came from, is where you shall go…


Eyes bright with tears, the Monkey hopped onto his Jindou cloud to return to The Mountain of Flower and Fruit. Ah! What a Monkey King! A trip that had once taken 10 long years passed by in a single somersault: for one Jindou cloud took Wukong back to The Mountain of Flower and Fruit!

美猴王只好含着泪, 驾起筋斗云返回花果山。啊!好一个美猴王孙悟空! 当年漂洋过海十多个年头才来到斜月三星洞, 如今他一个筋斗,就回到了花果山!

But… Something was wrong!


Black thunder clouds cloaked the Mountain of Flower and Fruit…and Wukong could hear the sound of crying! He shouted: "Monkey’s, I have returned!" At the Monkey King’s call, hundreds of Monkeys leapt out from the trees. Their faces shined with tears.

漆黑的乌云笼罩着花果山…悟空听到了哭泣声! 他大喊:“猴儿们,我回来了!” 听到猴王的声音,上百只猴子从树林里跳了出来。他们满脸都是泪。

"Great King, you’ve finally returned! We were afraid that if you still didn’t return, we would lose our home for good!" Shocked, Wukong asked: "What on earth has happened? Tell me immediately!"

大王! 您可回来了!您要是再不回来,我们可能从此就无家可归了!悟空吃了一惊,连忙问到:“到底发生了什么?快告诉我!”

The Monkeys replied:


"After you left, there came a demon who called himself the monstrous King of Havoc.


He comes in the clouds and leaves with the mist…and each time he comes, he steals our children to be his slaves!" Furious, Wukong shouted: "Where is this monster now? I will go rescue our little ones and teach this demon a lesson too! " 

他驾云而来、乘雾而去…并且他每来一次还会把我们的孩子捉去做他的奴隶!” 悟空大怒, 喝道:“这个妖怪现在在哪里?我这就去救我们的孩子,然后再教训教训这个磨头!”

"Great King", a monkey replied, "this monstrous king lives in the Northern Mountains not far from here…" Before the Monkey’s last word left his lips, the Wukong was off! In one leaping Jindou cloud, he sped towards the northern mountains.

“大王”,一只猴子答道,“这魔王住在离这儿不远的北山上 …” 那猴子话音未落,悟空已经翻了个筋斗,奔往北山!


Arriving at the Monstrous King’s cave, Wukong began to knock furiously on the door: bam bam bam!


Who dares to disturb my door? Do you not know who I am?


"I don’t care what kind of despicable monster you are", Wukong said, "but you stole our little monkeys and I have come to settle a score!" Inside the cave, the monstrous king gnashed his horrible teeth. He donned his armor, picked up a big iron blade, and stormed out of the cave. The Monstrous king saw Wukong and stopped short. He saw that Wukong had neither armor nor any weapons! The Monstrous King roared with laughter: Muaaahahhaah!

悟空说:“我不管你是什么破妖怪,你偷走了我家的小猴儿,我就来与你较个高下!” 那洞里的魔王咬牙切齿。他戴上盔甲,手里拿着一把大钢刀,怒气冲冲地走出了洞门… 魔王看到孙悟空,便停了下来。只见悟空赤手空拳,既没有盔甲,也没有兵器。魔王大笑起来:哈哈哈!

He pointed his blade straight at Wukong’s nose: "I was just feeling hungry for monkey meat! I’ll eat you first! Then, if I’m still hungry, I’ll eat those little monkeys!" Wukong howled with rage! "Demon! You want to eat? Eat this!" And with a great leap forward, Wukong aimed a mighty punch straight to the monster’s head!

他用刀指着悟空的鼻子:“我正好肚子饿了,想吃猴肉!我先吃了你,如果没吃饱我就去吃那些小猴子!” 悟空气得嗷嗷大叫!“妖怪! 吃什么吃?先吃我一拳!” 悟空猛地一跳,挥拳往魔王的头上打了过去。

Oh no!


The monstrous king blocked the blow! The monster king swung his iron blade straight at Wukong’s head. Quick as a flash, Wukong evaded the blade! He plucked several hairs from his body, BLEW them into the air and called:

那魔王竟然挡住了这一拳!魔王挥着钢刀向悟空头上砍去。悟空身子一闪,避开了这一刀。他从身上拔下几根毫毛, “噗”的吹了出去,然后叫了一声:



In a split second, those hairs had changed into a hundred little Wukongs! The little Wukongs surrounded the monstrous king. They jumped on him, pulling at his arms, tearing at his ears, and tickling his armpits! One little Wukong even grabbed the iron blade out from the monstrous King’s hand! The Monstrous King’s eyes blazed red with rage. He opened a blood red mouth to eat the little Wukongs whole!




The real Wukong roared! With the Monstrous King’s iron blade in hand, he aimed a blow straight at the monster’s head. Kaaaaaaaa! A flash of green light… and the monstrous king exploded into a cloud of black smoke, disappearing forever. And from inside the monster’s cave, several dozen little heads popped into view!

真正的悟空大喝一声! 手持魔王的钢刀,对准那妖怪的脑门砍了下去。咔*****! 一道绿光…魔王炸开了,变成一团黑烟,从此消失了。 这时,洞口伸出了几十个小脑袋。



Come, my little ones! Wukong smiled. I’m taking you home!

来吧,孩儿们! 悟空笑道,我带你们回家!

Hi Panda Cubs, we end our story here for today. What happened after the Monkey King Sun Wukong brought the little monkeys back to Hua Guo Shan? We will continue this story, next time!

熊猫宝宝,今天的故事就讲到这里了.美猴王孙悟空和小猴子们回到花果山后又发生了什么呢? 咱们下次再说! 


For the first 100 days of 2018, I’ll take us through the 100 most commonly used Chinese Characters – explaining etymology and providing examples along the way! After that, we’ll move on to the next 200, 300 characters etc.  My goal is to here is to help us reach basic reading proficiency by the end of 2019... and become increasingly literate going forward!  I’ll be updating the panda Instagram so follow us to keep up! 

Happy New Year 2018! 新年快乐!


Happy 2018, 新年快乐 (xin1 nian2 kuai4 le4)  everyone! 

This new year, Panda Cub Stories will be doing these 

Three Things:  

#1 Journey to the West – bilingual retelling

In 2018, we continue our weekly podcast of the adventures of the Monkey King Sun Wukong! As usual, after 5 bilingual episodes, I will make an immersion “super episode”! You can find the Panda Cub Stories Podcast on i-tunes, google play or WeChat!

You can find all past episodes here

#2 Common Chinese Characters (NEW)

According to research, with a grasp of the 500 most common Chinese characters, you can read 75% of modern Chinese!  

Starting this year, I will be teaching one Chinese Character a day. For the first 100 days of 2018, I’ll take us through the 100 most commonly used Chinese Characters – explaining etymology and providing examples along the way! After that, we’ll move on to the next 200, 300 characters etc.  My goal is to here is to help us reach basic reading proficiency by the end of 2019... and become increasingly literate going forward!  I’ll be updating the panda Instagram and panda WeChat daily, so follow us to keep up! 

I'll also keep a record of all characters covered here

#3 Monthly Newsletter (NEW)

At the beginning of each month, I’ll send an update to my mailing list summarizing all stories told and characters taught in the previous month! If you’d like to sign up for these monthly updates, sign up below:

Lastly, I'm about to head back to Cambridge to start the Lent term of my Children's Literature MPhil. I'm grateful for the chance to be studying something I'm passionate about and hope to improve as both an educator and a storyteller in 2018! 

I'm also grateful that you are a part of this story. Cheers to a great year ahead and HAPPY NEW YEAR!  

Linda & Panda Cub Stories

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English SUPER Episode Two {6 - 10 Journey to the West}


We’ve finished another five bilingual episodes! You are now listening to “Immersion Super Episode #2”, episodes 6 through 10 of our retelling of Journey to the West! This is the English version, for the 中文版Mandarin version you can visit our podcast or website: www.pandacubstories.com . Now, let’s begin our story! 

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Setting Sail


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When we left our story last, the stone monkey was no longer just a “stone monkey”! He had now become the Monkey King, beloved by all! What a carefree life the Monkey King led, there on the Mountain of Flower and Fruit! When he wished to eat – he ate! When he wished to drink – he drank! And when he wished to sleep, he slept! And just like this, 300 years passed…Yet the Monkey King was not happy.

He frowned, brow furrowed, and his tail twitched from left to right. And at last, a great big tear rolled down his cheek and fell to the ground. Surprised, the other monkeys asked their King: “What is wrong, great King? Why do you cry? “

And the Monkey King sighed, and replied:   “I may not age as quickly as you all, but alas, I shall not live forever. One day, I too will grow old. One day, I too will face death. We may live a carefree life right now, but what about after we leave this place? For in the land of the dead, the Yanwang rules.

And in that place, there is nothing…

Nothing the eat

Nothing to drink

Not even light!

To think that we will all have to go there one day! How dreadful a fate! ” And when the other monkeys heard this, they also began to cry: What to do, what to do?!!

“My Lord”

An an aged female monkey stepped forward. She said: “If the Great King wishes to live forever, there is a way! In this world, there are three kinds of beings, who are not subject to the Yanwang’s rule.”

The Monkey King sat up. “Which three?” he asked

“The Buddhas, the Immortals, and the Holy Sages,” the old monkey replied. “They have learned the secrets of heaven and earth! Why don’t you find an immortal from whom you can learn the way of everlasting life?”

"Hao! I’ll do as you say!" Cried the Monkey King, leaping up from his throne. “Come, my young ones, let us prepare! I shall set out tonight!”

So the monkeys went to work: They made a small boat out of bamboo, and collected the largest of leaves and fashioned them into sails. And finally, when the full moon rose, the Monkey King was off! As soon as little boat slid into the sea, the wind began to blow. The little boat carrying the Monkey King floated further and further away. And soon the Monkey King was naught but a spot in the ocean! The waves glinted silver under the light of the moon, and the wind whispered softly of stories yet to come…


Seeking an Immortal


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The Monkey King left the Mountain of Flower and Fruit, and his little boat carried him across the great oceans and vast seas… and before he knew it, several years had passed! By this time, the Monkey King had visited the lands of the North and the lands of the South. He’d visited the nations in the East and, too, the nations of the West. And the Monkey King had met all kinds of people! From them he had learned human speech and human ways。 

But still, the Monkey King had not yet found an immortal to teach him the secret to everlasting life…and so he continued to search. One day, the Monkey King came across a tall mountain, which was shrouded in mist, and covered by a dense forest.  The mountain seemed to beckon, as if singing a song that only the Monkey King could hear.


And so the Monkey King entered the misty forest。As he walked, he began to hear the sound of someone singing – really singing! Quick as a flash, the Monkey King zipped up a tree, and hid amongst the leaves. He thought to himself:If the immortal cannot see me, then they will not hide from me! Before long, the singer walked into view. The girl sang as she walked, stopping here and there to gather herbs and mushrooms.

With a whooping cry, the Monkey King leapt down from the tree, kneeling right in front of her! The girl was so startled she almost dropped the mushroom she carried!




The girl laughed: “please do get up!” she said, “for I am no immortal!” “Of course you are!” the Monkey King replied, still kneeling. “If you are not an immortal, why else would you be in this place, and singing that song?” Hearing this, the girl smiled. “Ah” she said, “truth be told, it was an immortal who taught me that song.” “His name is the Master, the Zushi, Puti. And he lives right here on Mount Lintai, in the Cave of the Slanting Moon!However, the Zushi Puti rarely accepts students. You will only find him if he wishes to be found!

And with this, the girl bid the Monkey King farewell and left.




 The Monkey King called to her vanishing figure… and then he too hurried along his way. He made his way quickly through the mists, still following that music that only he could hear. Finally, he reached a clearing. There In front of him, a cave door! The cave door was shut tight. The Monkey King walked up to the door and was about to knock… when he stopped. No, he said to himself. The Master Puti will only be found if he wishes to be found. If he is truly an immortal, then he already knows I am here!



And so the Monkey King climbed up onto a pine tree… and began to wait.


No Name


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When we left our story last, the Monkey King had arrived at the Cave of the Slanting Moon! Here lived an immortal, the Master Puti. However, the cave door was shut tight. How to get in? The Monkey King didn’t quite dare to knock, so he climbed up a pine tree and began to play. After a while, the door opened a crack. And from inside, out stepped an immortal youth. 


The Monkey King quickly leaped down from the tree, bowing to the immortal youth. “I’m not here to mess about! I hear that an immortal lives here – I am here to seek a master!” “Ah,” the immortal youth laughed, “My master did indeed say that there was someone seeking knowledge out here… I guess that someone is you?” “Yes, yes, yes that’s me!” The Monkey King jumped up and down excitedly. “Alright then, follow me”, and the immortal youth turned, walking into the cave. The Monkey King followed, long tail waving to and fro.  Before long, they arrived at the inner hall.

And there on a raised dais sat the Master Puti. Around him sat thirty disciples. “Master! Your student has come!” the Monkey King called, loudly. “Oh? Who are you and where do you come from? State your given name!” the Master said. The Monkey King replied, “Master! I hail from Flower Fruit Mountain, Water Curtain Cave! I have no given name!” 


The Monkey King knelt down with a thump. “Master, every word I say is true!” “Humph”, said the Master. “There are two whole oceans between Hua-Guo-Shan (Flower Fruit Mountain) and here – and it would take 10 years to journey here! What is more, who has no given name?” The Monkey King hurriedly explained: “I have sailed across oceans for more than 10 years to get here! I have no father and mother. As I burst out of a stone, no one has given me a name.” 

Hearing this, the Master was secretly pleased, thinking: “He really is a magical monkey!” “Very well” the Master said, “Do rise. I accept you as a disciple”. 

Yet, the Monkey King stayed kneeling before the immortal. “Master! Please give me a proper name!” The Master nodded his head. He shut his eyes and calculated… And the stars whispered to him and said:



Sun Wukong


And it was as if the Monkey King had heard the words of the stars! “Thank you Master, thank you! From today, I have a real and proper name! I am: SUN WUKONG!”


Three Strikes


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When we left our story last, the Master Puti had agreed to take the Monkey King on as a disciple, and had even given him a new name: Sun Wukong. From that day on, Wukong began his studies at the Cave of the Slanting Moon. Every morning, Wukong and the other disciples went to the inner hall to hear the Master teach. Every afternoon, they went out to the garden to tend to the flowers and vegetables. And when the weather cooled, they went into the mountain and chopped firewood for their wood burning stove. 

Just like this, spring became summer, then autumn turned to winter…year after year passed. Yet, the master still did not teach Wukong the power of immortality! One day, the Master sat upon his dais, speaking to the group. As Wukong listened, he began to laugh! The Master paused, and spoke: “Wukong, why are you laughing, instead of paying attention?” “Master,” Wukong replied, laughing “It’s just that you spoke so wonderfully… I couldn’t help but laugh out loud!” The Master Puti thought to himself: this monkey has actually recognized the secret meanings behind my words! He is indeed made of the right stuff!” And so he said to Wukong:


Wukong was delighted!  He thought: The master is finally going to teach me the power of immortality! “Yes, yes! What will the master teach his student today?” “How would you like for me to teach you how to turn stone into gold?” the Master asked Wukong. “Gold?” Wukong replied, “What use do I have for gold? Anyway, I came out of a stone myself. Stones are quite nice! Master, please teach me something else.” The Master stroked his beard, and spoke to Wukong again: “Alright, would you like me to teach you how to read the minds of men?” And Wukong replied: “Master, my own mind is enough for me to ponder, I don’t have the time to ponder the thoughts of others. This…I won’t learn either!” The other disciples were astonished! What on earth was this wild Monkey up to? 

The Master thought for a long time. Finally, he said: “Alright… I shall give you the ability to see the future, what do you think of that?” Wukong responded again: “Master, if we knew all the secrets of what is to come, where is the fun in living? To live is to see and learn new things! This I won’t learn either! ” Hearing Wukong speak thus, the Master suddenly stood up. “You Monkey, you won’t learn this, and you won’t learn that, what on earth do you want to do?” And with this, the Master walked forth, and struck three blows to Wukong’s stone hard head!




And without another word, the Master turned, clasped his hands behind his back, and walked out through the back doors. “Slam!” went the doors as they closed. The other disciples began to complain immediately. They pointed to Wukong and said: “You wild monkey, now look what you’ve done! The Master is angry, and who knows when he’ll be back?” But Wukong, why, he wasn’t worried at all! In fact, he was secretly laughing inside! Because he knew, he had guessed the answer to the Master’s final riddle!




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In the previous episode, the Master Puti struck Wukong’s head three times, and walked out through the back doors. That night, all the other disciples went to sleep. Wukong shut his eyes, but stayed awake. The silver moon rose, and an owl hooted once…. twice…. three times… After the third call, Wukong rose quietly from his bed, and tiptoed toward the Master’s chambers. The Master’s door was open a crack.


 “Master, it’s me!”, Wukong replied “Just as you’ve instructed, I’ve come at the third call to study the magical arts!”


From that night on, the Master began teaching Wukong by the light of the moon, whispering secret spells and incantations.  “Remember, Wukong – you must never use this magic to show off or boast. For if you do, you will suffer greatly.” “Yes, I know!” Wukong replied at once. After that, he practiced and he toiled until he knew the spells Master taught like the back of his hand. Before long, he had mastered the art of the seventy-two transfigurations: from the smallest of fishes to the tallest of mountains, he could turn into anything! Water could not drown him nor fire burn him…

 One day, the Master asked: “Wukong, how well have you learned the magics I’ve taught you?” “I’ve mastered them all!” Wukong laughed “and have even taught myself how to soar amongst the clouds!” “Oh? Is that so?” The Master chuckled. “Alright, show me your flying then.” So Wukong leapt into the air! He flew higher and higher, until he shot straight past the clouds! After a few minutes, he slowly floated back to earth.


And so the Master taught Wukong the cloud soaring spell. Wukong recited the spell and leapt into the air – turning a complete somersault! And this one somersault, why, it took him–





Just like this, three more years passed. One day, the other disciples said to Wukong: “You must be very powerful by now! Why don’t you show us something marvelous?” Hearing them speak thus, Wukong was delighted! He completely forgot the Master’s warning. With a wiggle of his body, he turned himself into an enormous tree! The disciples clapped and shouted in glee, and Wukong shook his branches with pride. And then he heard:


It was the Master! When Wukong became himself again, the other disciples were gone. There was only the Master standing before him. 


 “Go where?” Wukong began to ask… But the Master was already fading from view.


The Master’s voice floated on the wind, yet he was no longer there. And no matter how Wukong searched, he could never again find the Cave of the Slanting Moon.


So Panda Cubs, this is our story for today. What is Wukong to do next? We will continue this story in Episode 11! 

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You’ve just finished listening to Journey to the West, as told by Panda Cub Stories, episodes 6 – 10. We will be on Christmas break for the rest of this month! In January, we will continue the story of the Monkey King Sun Wukong!

Happy Holidays! 节日快乐!

Lastly… how you can help!

 I’d love your support on this journey! At the moment, my main goal is to grow my audience. I want for this to be good, and one of the ways to do that is to get more feedback!    Here's how you can help:

    Subscribe to the podcast and leave a review!

(You can find it on i-Tunes or Google Play )

Every new review or subscription will make Panda more visible to a wider audience. Any feedback you have for me will help me improve these stories for our ‘Panda Cubs’ around the world!


Mandarin SUPER Episode Two {6-10 Journey to the West}

我们又讲完五集双语故事了! 现在让我们来听第二个 “Immersion Super Episode” 吧! 这个版本是全中文的,也是之前讲过的《西游记》第六至第十集。 想听全英文版, for the English Immersion Episode, 请访问我们的网站: www.pandacubstories.com 。 好,我们开始讲故事吧!

我们又讲完五集双语故事了! 现在让我们来听第二个 “Immersion Super Episode” 吧! 这个版本是全中文的,也是之前讲过的《西游记》第六至第十集。 想听全英文版, for the English Immersion Episode, 请访问我们的网站: www.pandacubstories.com 。 好,我们开始讲故事吧!

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Setting Sail


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上次我们说到,石猴已经不再是只简单的“石头猴子”了! 如今,它已成为被大家喜爱的美猴王了!  美猴王在花果山上过着自由自在的生活!  想吃就吃,想喝就喝,想睡觉就睡觉!   就这样,三百年过去了   …但美猴王并不开心。  

它愁眉苦脸…尾巴从左到右来回摆动着。最后,一滴大大的眼泪从它的脸上流了下来,落到地上。  其他的猴子很纳闷,它们问猴王:  “大王,怎么了?您为什么哭呢?”  

美猴王叹着气回答道:   “我虽然没有你们老的快,唉!但我还是不能长生不老。总有一天,我也会老去。总有一天,我也会面对死亡。  我们现在虽然活得无忧无虑,不过咱们离开这里以后呢?阴间地狱(阴曹地府)可是归阎王管。  






想着有一天,我们终究会去那里, 真是糟糕的命运啊!   群猴们听到这里,也都开始哭泣   怎么,到底怎么呢?   


一只非常老的母猴子站了出来。  她说:  “若大王想长生不老,那还是有办法的!  世上有三种人不被阎王所管”  美猴王坐了起来。  

“哪三种?”  他问道。

“佛祖 神仙 圣人”  那只老猴子答道。  “ 他们知道了天地的秘密! 大王,您何不去找一位神仙,从他那里学个长生之道呀? ”    

好的! 就按你的去做!   美猴王喊了一声,从他的宝座上跳了起来。    “来吧,孩儿们,我们准备准备!我今晚就出发!”  猴子们便开始工作: 他们用竹子造了一个小船,又采来了大大的叶子来做船帆。   终于,当一轮满月在空中升起时,美猴王出发了!    那艘小船刚划到海 里,风就吹了起来。那小船带着美猴王漂得越来越远。   没过多久,只看到美猴王是海洋中的一个小点儿!海浪反射着银色的月光… 风轻轻吹着,仿佛悄悄的说着接下来的故事… 



Seeking an Immortal


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美猴王离开了花果山,他的那一艘小船带着他漂洋过海 … 一晃就过了好几年!在这期间,美猴王踏遍了北方的土地和南方的土地。 他访遍了东方的国家和西方的国家。美猴王遇见了各种各样的人!还从他们那里学会了人的话和人的习惯。

可是,美猴王依然没有找到能教他长生不老本领的神仙… 所以他继续寻找着。有一天,美猴王来到一座高山前,山上大雾弥漫,森林笼罩其中。那座山似乎在招呼,仿佛唱着一首只有美猴王才能听到的歌曲。 





那女子笑了笑:“快快请起来!”她说,“我可不是什么神仙!” “您当然是哦!”美猴王回答道,依然跪在地上。“若您不是神仙,您怎么会在这里,唱那首歌呢?” 听到这个,那女子笑了笑。“啊”她说,“说实话,这首歌确实是一位神仙教我的!” “他的名字叫做菩提祖师。他就住在这座灵台方寸山,斜月三星洞里!不过,这位菩提祖师一般是不收徒弟的。 你得找到他,他也要愿意才行!说完了,那女子向美猴王道了别,便走了。

 “谢谢! 谢谢!”





No Name


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上次我们讲到,美猴王来到了斜月三星洞。这里住着一位叫菩提祖师的神仙! 不过,洞门紧紧关闭。怎么进去呢?美猴王不太敢敲门,便爬上了一棵松树,开始玩耍.过了一会儿,洞门开了一个缝儿。从里面走出了一位仙童。


美猴王立刻从树上跳了下来,向仙童鞠了个躬说:“我不是来胡闹的! 听说这儿住着一位神仙 -我是来拜师的!” “啊”仙童笑到,“我家师父是说外面来了个求学的人…想必就是你咯?” “是的,是,是我!” 美猴王兴奋地跳上跳下!“好吧,随我来”那仙童转身走进洞里。美猴王跟着他往里走,长长的尾巴摆来摆去。没过多久,他们来到了内厅。

只见菩提祖师端坐在台上。台下坐着30多个徒弟。“师父! 弟子来了”猴王大声的叫道。“哦?你是何人?来自哪里?先报上姓名来!”祖师说。猴王答道:“师父!我来自花果山,水帘洞!我没名没姓!

祖师的眼睛闪了闪,喝道: 把它赶出去!里可容不下说谎的人!



不过,猴王依然跪在神仙面前。“师父!请您帮我取个真正的名字吧” 祖师点了点头。他闭上眼睛,算了算。天上的星星悄悄地对他说:


Sun Wukong





Three Strikes


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上次我们说到,菩提祖师答应收美猴王为徒弟,还给他取了个新名字:“孙悟空”。从那天起,悟空便开始在斜月三星洞中学习。每天早上,悟空和师兄们去内厅听师父讲课。每天下午,他们去园子里养花种菜。天气变冷了,他们就去山上砍柴 – 带回来烧火炉. 

就这样,春夏秋冬,过了一年又一年。 不过,师父一直都没有教悟空长生不老的本事。有一天,师父坐在台上给大家讲课。 听着听着,悟空笑了起来。师父停了下来,说:“悟空,你不好好听课,在那边笑什么?” “师父!”悟空笑着答道“是您讲得实在太妙了,我才忍不住笑了出来!” 菩提祖师心想:这猴子,竟然听出了我话中的奥妙,真是块儿好材料!” 于是,他便对悟空说:


悟空高兴极了,心想:于要传给生不老的本事了! “好呀好呀!师父要教弟子什么?” “我教你如何把石头变成黄金,你觉得如何?”师父问悟空。黄金?悟空说,“我拿黄金来干什么?何况,我就是从石里出来的。石挺好的. 师父,您教我其他的吧!” 师父摸了摸胡须,又对悟空说:“那么,我教你如何读懂其他人的心思怎样?” 悟空答道:“师父,我自己的心思已经足够让我去琢磨了,我可没功夫去琢磨别人的心思。这个…我也不学!” 其他的徒弟都惊呆了——这野猴到底想干什么?

祖师琢磨了好一阵子。终于说道:“好…我传给你看到未来的本领,你看如何?” 悟空答道:“师父,知道了未来所有的秘密,活着就不好玩了!活着就是要看到、学到新东西呀!这个我也不学!” 听到悟空这样说,师父突然站了起来。个猴子,也不学,那也不学,到底想做什么?” 说完,师父走向前,往悟空石硬的上打了三下!

嘭!嘭! 嘭!

然后二话不说,师父转身,背着手从后门走了出去,“嘭”的一声,把门关上了。其他的徒弟立刻开始抱怨. 他们指着悟空说:“你这个野猴,看你做的好事! 师父生气了。谁知道他什么时候才会回来!” 可是悟空呀,他一点也不担心。他心里还暗暗偷笑呢!因为他知道,自己猜透了师父给他设的最后一个谜了!





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上集我们说到,菩提祖师往悟空的头上打了三下,从后门走了出去。那天晚上,其他的师兄弟都睡觉了。悟空闭上眼睛,但是没有入睡。银色的月亮升了起来,猫头鹰叫了一次…两次… 三次… 在猫头鹰叫了三声之后,悟空悄悄地起了床,蹑手蹑脚地朝师父的房间走去。只见师父的门隙Xì了一条缝。 



从那天晚上起,师父开始在月光下向悟空传授秘密口诀。“悟空,记住 - 你绝对不能为了炫耀而使用这些法术…如果你那样做了,你会遭殃的。” “知道了, 知道了!”悟空一口答应了。此后,他勤学苦练,之道他把师父教的口诀背得滚瓜烂熟!没过多久,他便掌握了七十二般变化:从小小的鱼儿到高高的山峰,他什么都能变! 水淹不了他,火也烧不着他…

有一天,师父问:“悟空,我教你的法术,你学得怎么样了?” “我都掌握了!”悟空笑道,“我还自己学会了腾云驾雾!” “哦?是吗?”,师父笑了笑。 “好,那你飞给我看看。” 悟空便往空中一跳!飞得越来越高,直到穿过云层。过了几分钟,他又慢慢地降落到地上。

 “哈哈哈”师父笑了。“不错,不错 — 但这不是腾云驾雾!”












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我们有听完了《熊猫宝宝故事》讲西游记 的第六至第十集!

接下来我们会放圣诞节假, 一月份继续讲美猴王孙悟空的故事!

Happy Holidays! 节日快乐!

Lastly… how you can help!

 I’d love your support on this journey! At the moment, my main goal is to grow my audience. I want for this to be good, and one of the ways to do that is to get more feedback!    Here's how you can help:

    Subscribe to the podcast and leave a review!

(You can find it on i-Tunes or Google Play )

Every new review or subscription will make Panda more visible to a wider audience. Any feedback you have for me will help me improve these stories for our ‘Panda Cubs’ around the world!


Episode 10 - Go 走吧

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In the previous episode, the Master Puti struck Wukong’s head three times, and walked out through the back doors. That night, all the other disciples went to sleep. Wukong shut his eyes, but stayed awake. The silver moon rose, and an owl hooted once…. Twice…. Three times… After the third call, Wukong rose quietly from his bed , and tiptoed toward the Master’s chambers. The Master’s door was open a crack.

上集我们说到,菩提祖师往悟空的头上打了三下,从后门走了出去。那天晚上,其他的师兄弟都睡觉了。悟空闭上眼睛,但是没有入睡。银色的月亮升了起来,猫头鹰叫了一次…两次… 三次… 在猫头鹰叫了三声之后,悟空悄悄地起了床,蹑手蹑脚地朝师父的房间走去。只见师父的门隙Xì了一条缝。 

“who is that outside my door?”


“Master, it’s me!”, Wukong replied “Just as you’ve instructed, I’ve come at the third call to study the magical arts!”



From that night on, the Master began teaching Wukong by the light of the moon, whispering secret spells and incantations.  “Remember, Wukong – you must never use this magic to show off or boast. For if you do, you will suffer greatly. “Yes, I know!” Wukong replied at once. After that, he practiced and he toiled until he knew the spells Master taught like the back of his hand. Before long, he had mastered the art of the seventy-two transfigurations: from the smallest of fishes to the tallest of mountains, he could turn into anything! Water could not drown him nor fire burn him…

从那天晚上起,师父开始在月光下向悟空传授秘密口诀。“悟空,记住 - 你绝对不能为了炫耀而使用这些法术…如果你那样做了,你会遭殃的。” “知道了, 知道了!”悟空一口答应了。此后,他勤学苦练,之道他把师父教的口诀背得滚瓜烂熟!没过多久,他便掌握了七十二般变化:从小小的鱼儿到高高的山峰,他什么都能变! 水淹不了他,火也烧不着他…

 One day, the Master asked: “Wukong, how well have you learned the magics I’ve taught you?” “I’ve mastered them all!” Wukong laughed “and have even taught myself how to soar amongst the clouds!” “Oh? Is that so?” The Master chuckled. “Alright, show me your flying then.” So Wukong leapt into the air! He flew higher and higher, until he shot straight past the clouds! After a few minutes, he slowly floated back to earth.

有一天,师父问:“悟空,我教你的法术,你学得怎么样了?” “我都掌握了!”悟空笑道,“我还自己学会了腾云驾雾!” “哦?是吗?”,师父笑了笑。 “好,那你飞给我看看。” 悟空便往空中一跳!飞得越来越高,直到穿过云层。过了几分钟,他又慢慢地降落到地上。

“Hahaha” the Master laughed. “Not bad, not bad! But this is not cloud soaring!”

“哈哈哈”师父笑了。“不错,不错 — 但这不是腾云驾雾!”

And so the Master taught Wukong the cloud soaring spell. Wukong recited the spell and leapt into the air – turning a complete somersault! And this one somersault, why, it took him–


one-hundred and eight thousand miles!   


Just like this, three more years passed. One day, the other disciples said to Wukong: “You must be very powerful by now! Why don’t you show us something marvelous?” Hearing them speak thus, Wukong was delighted! He completely forgot the Master’s warning. With a wiggle of his body, he turned himself into a enormous tree! The disciples clapped and shouted in glee, and Wukong shook his branches with pride. And then he heard:





It was the Master! When Wukong became himself again, the other disciples were gone. There was only the Master standing before him.


“Go” is all he said.


“Go where?” Wukong began to ask… But the master was already fading from view.


“Where you came from is where you shall go…”


The Master’s voice floated on the wind, yet he was no longer there. And no matter how Wukong searched, he could never again find the Cave of the Slanting Moon.



So Panda Cubs, this is our story for today. What is Wukong to do next? We will continue this story in Episode 11! 


Update! We have finished another five of these mini bilingual episodes! The next two episodes will be our English and Mandarin “super” episodes. If you are an advanced listener, this is a good way to practice your Mandarin comprehension。 All episodes can be found on our website, www.pandacubstories.com . See you next week!

听众更新:我们又讲了“五集”小双语故事了! 接下来的两集会是全中文和全英文版本的“super”剧集。若你的英文已经不错了,这个会帮助你练习英文听力!J 你可以在我们的网站上找到我们之前所有的剧集。我们的网站是:www.pandacubstories.com下周见!

Vocabulary Update: I am pausing the vocabulary episodes for now. I am working on creating a more in depth educators guide, beyond word by word vocabulary. I'll let you know when this launches via newsletter! Stay tuned! 

生词更新: 我现在暂停做剧集生词了。我现在在琢磨怎样创造更好的教育材料(不仅仅是学单词)。准备好了我会用newsletter 通知大家! 

Episode 9 - Three Strikes 打三下

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When we left our story last, the Master Puti had agreed to take the Monkey King on as a disciple, and had even given him a new name: Sun Wukong. From that day on, Wukong began his studies at the Cave of the Slanting Moon. Every morning, Wukong and the other disciples went to the inner hall to hear the Master teach. Every afternoon, they went out to the garden to tend to the flowers and vegetables. And when the weather cooled, they went into the mountain and chopped firewood for their wood burning stove. 

上次我们说到,菩提祖师答应收美猴王为徒弟,还给他取了个新名字:“孙悟空”。从那天起,悟空便开始在斜月三星洞中学习。每天早上,悟空和师兄们去内厅听师父讲课。每天下午,他们去园子里养花种菜。天气变冷了,他们就去山上砍柴 – 带回来烧火炉. 

And just like this, spring became summer, then autumn turned to winter…year after year passed. Yet, the master still did not teach Wukong the power of immortality! One day, the Master sat upon his dais, speaking to the group. As Wukong listened, he began to laugh! The Master paused, and spoke: “Wukong, why are you laughing, instead of paying attention? ” “Master,” Wukong replied, laughing “It’s just that you spoke so wonderfully… I couldn’t help but laugh out loud!” The Master Puti thought to himself: this monkey has actually recognized the secret meanings behind my words! He is indeed made of the right stuff” And so he said to Wukong:

“Today, I will teach you a new kind of magic.”

就这样,春夏秋冬,过了一年又一年。 不过,师父一直都没有教悟空长生不老的本事。有一天,师父坐在台上给大家讲课。 听着听着,悟空笑了起来。师父停了下来,说:“悟空,你不好好听课,在那边笑什么?” “师父!”悟空笑着答道“是您讲得实在太妙了,我才忍不住笑了出来!” 菩提祖师心想:这猴子,竟然听出了我话中的奥妙,真是块儿好材料!” 于是,他便对悟空说:


Wukong was delighted!  He thought: The master is finally going to teach me the power of immortality! “Yes, yes! What will master teach his student today?” “How would you like for me to teach you how to turn stone into gold?” the Master asked Wukong. “Gold?” Wukong replied, “What use do I have for gold? Anyway, I came out of a stone myself. Stones are quite nice! Master, please teach me something else.” The Master stroked his beard, and spoke to Wukong again: “Alright, would you like me to teach you how to read the minds of men?” And Wukong replied: “Master, my own mind is enough for me to ponder, I don’t have the time to ponder the thoughts of others. This…I won’t learn either! ” The other disciples were astonished! What on earth was this wild Monkey up to? 

悟空高兴极了,心想:师父终于要传给我长生不老的本事了! “好呀好呀!师父要教弟子什么?” “我教你如何把石头变成黄金,你觉得如何?”师父问悟空。“黄金?悟空说,“我拿黄金来干什么?何况,我就是从石头里出来的。石头挺好的. 师父,您教我其他的吧!” 师父摸了摸胡须,又对悟空说:“那么,我教你如何读懂其他人的心思怎样?” 悟空答道:“师父,我自己的心思已经足够让我去琢磨了,我可没功夫去琢磨别人的心思。这个…我也不学!” 其他的徒弟都惊呆了——这野猴到底想干什么?

The Master thought for a long time. Finally, he said: “Alright… I shall give you the ability to see the future, what do you think of that?” Wukong responded again: “Master, if we knew all the secrets of what is to come, where is the fun in living? To live is to see and learn new things! This I won’t learn either! ” Hearing Wukong speak thus, the Master suddenly stood up. “You Monkey, you won’t learn this, and you won’t learn that, what on earth do you want to do?” And with this, the Master walked forth, and struck three blows to Wukong’s stone hard head!

祖师琢磨了好一阵子。终于说道:“好…我传给你看到未来的本领,你看如何?” 悟空答道:“师父,知道了未来所有的秘密,活着就不好玩了!活着就是要看到、学到新东西呀!这个我也不学!” 听到悟空这样说,师父突然站了起来。“你这个猴子,这也不学,那也不学,到底想做什么?” 说完,师父走向前,往悟空石头硬的头上打了三下!

Bam! Bam! Bam!

嘭!嘭! 嘭!

And without another word, the Master turned, clasped his hands behind his back, and walked out through the back doors. “Slam!” went the doors as they closed. The other disciples began to complain immediately. They pointed to Wukong and said: “You wild monkey, now look what you’ve done! The Master is angry, and who knows when he’ll be back? ”But Wukong, why, he wasn’t worried at all! In fact, he was secretly laughing inside! Because he knew, he had guessed the answer to the Master’s final riddle!

然后二话不说,师父转身,背着手从后门走了出去,“嘭”的一声,把门关上了。其他的徒弟立刻开始抱怨. 他们指着悟空说:“你这个野猴,看你做的好事! 师父生气了。谁知道他什么时候才会回来!” 可是悟空呀,他一点也不担心。他心里还暗暗偷笑呢!因为他知道,自己猜透了师父给他设的最后一个谜了!


Panda Cubs, we end this week’s story here. What on earth did the Master mean? What secret signal did he give Wukong? We will continue this story, next time. 
