Worrying about the KS..already😅

23%Funded🤩😱 (Also, Startup VLOG2):

It’s 6:56PM on Thursday and I’m taking a step back from promoting my Kickstarter.

It’s gone from nerves to excitement back to nerves and then panic and then gratitude - Gah! Emotions have been everywhere.

I’m so so SOO grateful to the 63 backers who’ve already pledged (and brought us almost a 1/4 of the way there!)

I’ve also heard that campaigns that don’t get funded by the end of week 1 struggle to get funded at all...

I need to take a deep breath (panda, gimme a couple snacks!) and remind myself that all things worth pursuing (including raising funds for my print shop) take time and effort.

And I’m not alone! So if you’re watching and/or reading to the end of this post, 谢谢 for being w/ me!

*pandahugs* from a chilly nyc