Inner Demons (The Scariest of All)

(Click and swipe for full comic)

I originally drew this piece from a place of self doubt, a fear that at the end of the day, I don’t *actually* have anything interesting to say (make, contribute, etc).⁣

This belief is crippling. ⁣

I imagine every aspiring artist (or maybe just everyone?) can relate… yet the fearful thought itself is so, so isolating. ⁣

This past year, I’ve been working (with help!) on not tying my self-worth to my art-work — and perhaps more difficult, not tying the ‘value/quality’ of my art-work to the response I get on the social medias (and it’s DEFINITELY still a work in progress)⁣

I’ve come to realize there’ll be enough likes/comments/followers/views that’ll put this demon to rest - if the only thing I’m chasing are vanity metrics. In fact… focusing on pure numbers only feeds that mean ol’ demon, making IT stronger… and ME smaller. ⁣

Instead, I’m trying to give my time and energy to the things that really matter to me: focusing on making good art (good, defined by art that teaches me how to make even better art!), and building real community with all of y’all who’ve already joined me on my journey! ⁣

I’m so so glad to be walking this path with you! ⁣
我们一起加油吧! ⁣


- Linda⁣

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𝐏.𝐒. the last few panels of this post are just me journalin’ out loud … BUT if you make it to the last panel, you’ll see the demon get its retribution 🔥😈⁣

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G L O S S A R Y⁣

别怕(Bié pà) Literally: “Don’t+Fear”, or “don’t be afraid!”⁣

年 (Nián) Year⁣

谢谢 (謝謝) (Xièxiè) Thank u ! ⁣

我自己 (Wǒ zìjǐ) Myself ⁣