《Panda Cub Stories》 is a labor of love - my primary goal isn't to make money. Like John, even if I receive zero donations, I intend to keep making content!  However, if you would like to support my work, there are two ways you can do so (shown below)! You can give as little or as much as you like. I'd be very thankful, regardless of the amount. 谢谢! 


《熊猫宝宝故事》是爱的劳动 - 我主要的目标不是赚钱。像 John 一样,就算我得到0元捐款,我还是会继续创造内容的! 不过,如果你愿意支持我,你可选择两个方式(请看以下)。你可以选择给多少 - 我都会很感激. Thank you! 

Option 1:Donate to the Show

Your donations will help me (Linda) 1. host this website! Yearly fee of $144 2. Audio recording equipment and production software 3. Research/Learning resources: translations from which I work 4. Any remaining funds will go towards my grad school tuition! For those interested: I am leaving my full time job this fall to pursue a MPhil in Children's Literature & Education.


Option 2: Donate on behalf of the Show

There are two educational organizations that have shaped and strengthened my passion for the arts and education - notably the roles each play in helping to support generation of diverse yet interconnected citizens of the world. You can also make a donation to either Hua Dan, or the Duke Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) on behalf of the show! Add in the "messages" or "comments" section: donated on behalf of Linda Yi and Panda Cub Stories.

支持方式 1:支持《熊猫宝宝故事》

你的支持会帮助我(Linda) 1. 主办这个网站! 每年144美元的费用 2. 录音设备及制作软件 3. 参考和学习材料:比如西游记的不同英文翻译等 4. 我会用剩余的资金支付学费。若你感兴趣的话:今年秋天我要离开我的全职工作,开始 MPhil in Children's Literature & Education 研究生项目。


支持方式 2: 代表《熊猫宝宝故事》捐款

有两个教育组织塑造和加强了我对艺术和教育的热爱:特别是这两个领域在培养下一代“全球公民”的过程中扮演的角色。你可以选择代表我给花旦或杜克大学英才生发掘项目(Duke TIP) 捐款。 在"messages" 或 "comments" 部分填写:donated on behalf of Linda Yi and Panda Cub Stories.